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e-SHRAM UAN card Download and Status Check online 2021

e-SHRAM UAN card Download and Status Check online 2021

The Government of India has launched a portal under which the workers in the unorganized sector will receive a unique Identification number (UAN) card.

This card is known as the “e-SHRAM card” and can be obtained from the online portal

The card will be provided to those who have registered on the e-SHRAM portal from West Bengal as well as in other states of India.

This card can be used to avail a lot of benefits.

The UAN Card or the “e-SHRAM card” will be provided to the workers of the unorganized sectors.

They include construction workers, ready-trackers, truck drivers, fishermen, milk vendors, small sellers, agricultural workers, domestic workers, ASHA and Anganwadi workers, MGNREGA workers, etc.

In this article, you will get to know the following details about the “e-Shram Card” for the residents of West Bengal.

Now let’s see each of these points in detail…

Process to download e-SHRAM UAN card

In order to get the “e-SHRAM” card in West Bengal or in any other state of India, you need to go to the Official web portal of e-SHRAM and self-register yourself on the portal.

Click to know how to self-register yourself on the “e-SHRAM portal”.

You can then download the PDF version of your e-SHRAM card from the portal by logging in at any time.

You can also register through CSC Digital Seva.

e-SHRAM card West Bengal Status Check

To check the status of your e-SHARAM card in West Bengal or in any other state in India,

  1. First, go to the Web portal of e-SHRAM at
  2. Now login using the same mobile number used during registration.
  3. The dashboard will open in front of you.
  4. The status of you registration will be shown on the screen.
  5. In case your status is not approved, you may have to reapply.

Benefits of e-SHRAM UAN card

The benefits of the e-SHRAM card are,

  1. Accidental insurance cover upto Rs. 2,00,000 free for workers of the unorganized sector under PMSBY.
  2. Assiatance for e SHRAM card holders in case of any emergency.
  3. All e SHRAM card holders will get Social Security Benefits when provided by the government.
  4. e-SHRAM card holders can avail various scheme benefits provided by the central government.


For how long are e-SHRAM Cards valid?

e-SHRAM card or the UAN card that is launched for the unorganized sector workers has lifetime validity.

Can workers from West Bengal get the e-SHRAM UAN card?

Unorganized sector workers from West Bengal as well as other states of India will receive the e-SHRAM UAN card for free.