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Banglar Shiksha SMS Portal Login Process (For Teachers) 2024

Banglar Shiksha SMS Portal Login Process (For Teachers) 2024

You need to login into the SMS Portal on the Banglar Shiksha website to carry out various tasks related to your school. These may include students’ marks entry, assigning teachers, printing mark sheets, etc.

The process is really simple and can be easily done in a few steps.

In this article, you will get to know the following points on how to login into the Banglar Shiksha SMS Portal,

Let’s see each of these points in detail.

Details required to login into the Banglar Shiksha SMS Portal

You will need the following details to login into the Banglar Shiksha SMS Portal,

  1. DISE Code of your school.
  2. Your username (as provided by the school/head teacher).
  3. Your password.

In case you are logging in for the first time, use the default password provided by the school. If you can already set a new password, use that.

Steps to login into the SMS Portal (Banglar Shiksha)

To login into the SMS Portal of Banglar Shiksha,

Step 1: Go to the official website of Banglar Shiksha

Banglar Shiksha SMS Portal Login Process (For Teachers) 2024
The ‘SMS’ option on the Banglar Shiksha website
  1. First, go to the official website of Banglar Shiksha at
  2. Next, on the top section, click on the ‘SMS’ option.
  3. The SMS portal login page will open.

(Direct link to the page)

Step 2: Enter your details

Banglar Shiksha SMS Portal Login Process (For Teachers) 2024
Banglar Shiksha SMS portal login page
  1. On the login page, make your the ‘Teacher’ option is selected.
  2. Next, enter your school’s DISE Code.
  3. Next, enter your username.
  4. Next, enter the password.

Step 3: Complete the login process

Banglar Shiksha SMS Portal Login Process (For Teachers) 2024
The ‘Sign In’ button on the Banglar Shiksha SMS portal
  1. Now, enter the captcha code as displayed in the specified field.
  2. Next, click on the ‘Sign In’ button.
  3. You will be logged in.

In case you are logging in for the first time, you will get a page to reset your password. Enter your username and the new password that you want to set. Next, click on the ‘Change Password‘ button.

Once you are done, you can now login with the newly set password.

By following these steps, you can easily login into the SMS portal of the Banglar Sikhasha website. You can then enter marks of students or carry out other activities as required.